Monday, April 27, 2009

UT3 Draft Model no.2

Image 1: Campbell's Lab - (Inside the Wall, 1.)
This image, panoramic in orientation, trys to give a wholistic view of the laboratory carved into the wall. This laboratory was developed with Keith Campbel in mind. It features staggered levels and separated rooms, as in my first model, but is an improvement since the use of proportion and lighting is more considered. These features suit Campbell, because, as a genetic scientist, he requires an environment which is stable, controlled and quiet.

Image 2: Campbell's Lab - (Inside the Wall, 2.)
A reverse angle of this same laboratory, the layout becomes more apparent. There are, however, more corridors and rooms off to the sides of this image, which provides Campbell with additional spaces for research.
Image 3: The Meeting Place.
This image, taken before the exterior laboratory for Cousteau was developed, features a large open space, which is a diplomatic and neutral place for the scientists to meet and discuss their work. As it is a draft model, I think it can be improved, with additional partitioning and furnishing a possibility.

Image 4: Cousteau's Lab - (Outside the Wall, 1.)

Perhaps the most noticable feature of Cousteau's laboratory is it's openness and transparency. This obviously suits Cousteau, as he is at home in nature and embraces it in all its fluctuations and manifestations (i.e. weather conditions and locations).


Image 5: Cousteau's Lab - (Outside the Wall, 2.)
Looking back toward the meeting space, the ramp is quite distinguished in its positioning and construction. It features a two-part incline, bordered by blocks of varying height, which combine to create a significant and suggestive approach to the meeting space.

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